Christmas Wishes…

As November winds down, one tends to start dreaming about Christmas lists. Bombarded by Lexus commercials, ToysRus pamphlets and helping my young one make his list, it’s gotten me thinking about what I’d ask for.  The fact is, a visit from Chris Kringle himself would be the only means by which I’ll get what I’m dreaming of this Christmas (besides ahem, world peace and all that)…and that’s okay. It’s been a great year for my family and I-so it’s a bit cheeky to wish, I know. I’m quite content just to have my mid-century modern Christmas tree this year. Suppose though, that Santa did ask me what I wanted. Here’s what I’ll be leaving the back door open for….just in case, Santa baby – because what I want won’t fit in the chimney.

But first: Here is a picture of what I’d LOVE to replace. BEHOLD!!! Mommy Command Central. On this tiny table, I type blogs, drink the morning lattes, and generally conduct business from its table top.  It is here that I serve mouth-watering meals for my son, who loves to give me frequent heart attacks by losing his balance on his bar-height chair and nearly falling to his death if it weren’t for my cat-like reflexes. Also? NOT mid-century. It’s interfering with the vibes in general.

My very UN mid century bar height kitchen table

Ever heard of Eero Saarinen? Not only was he one of the most brilliant and influential designers of the mid-century, he masterminded the design of the “tulip” table and chairs. I would need a smaller one for the space, perhaps an oval-shaped table top….and I may or may not go for matchy-matchy chairs….but you have to admit, no matter your personal preferences, this is just beautiful design. And wouldn’t it just look FAB in my kitchen?

Now tell me you don’t love this….of course you do!!!
These tables are versatile, and look great with different chair variations.
Oval-ish table top

I’ve been really good this year, but I’ve had my fair share of blessings too. Maybe I’ll save this wish for next year. Better yet, what might be even more exciting than finding a set in my kitchen Christmas morning would be hunting it down myself. I sure do love a good find.

Christmas Countdown

2 weeks in Ireland equals 2 weeks without blogging. Thank you for not deserting me, beloved readers. My family and I were busy celebrating new births, christenings, our son’s 4th birthday, his Granny’s 100th birthday, and traveling from Dublin’s east coast to the west coast of Westport, Ireland. A busy trip to say the least but a great one at that. The sights in Ireland are breathtaking and it’s people are just lovely.  If ever you have the opportunity to go; do it….but be advised that you may not want to return. Although our visit was mainly to spend time with friends and family, I did carve out some time to pop into a few antique shops and I wasn’t disappointed.

As our Irish vacay came to an end, we all developed pretty nasty colds. Our son developed croup, and his father and I caught our own grown-up versions. It’s safe to say that the mild California climate has officially sissy-fied us. I haven’t had an ear infection since I was nine. Ireland’s cold and wet weather chewed us up and spit us out. Our first few days back home were spent indoors, dropping cold meds like it’s hot.

One really annoying personality trait of mine that I will share with you is the complete inability to sit still. Even when I feel death may be knocking on my door, I simply cannot have the house a mess when the undertaker comes for me. Read a magazine? No honey….I think I’ll organize the cleaning supply closet instead!  I hate myself for it….I really do. Sick in more ways than one, I thought to myself there’s no better time to be stuck indoors for a few days. Take a hint from the department stores and prepare the house for Christmas! Let’s SKIP Thanksgiving altogether and go for the gold!!! As my husband laid in bed moaning to himself, I donned my pajamas for 2 days straight and broke out the fake Christmas trees. Thank God my son gets his crazy from me, because we had the best time dancing and popping the plastic branches in place. We were buried in our own snot and tissues, but whatever. We could represent Christmas spirit in the olympics, people!

Here are a few pics of one of our trees… favorite and newest addition: the mid-century modern aluminum Christmas tree. Easiest tree assembly ever.  I had seen these cool retro looking bulbs by Martha Stewart at Home Depot and decided to keep it simple. You rock me, Martha. Your monotone voice puts me right to sleep…..but you’re a tiger with the trees.

Taper Tree bought on the cheap in July. Oh how I’ve longed to open you up!
You can’t put lights on an aluminum tree unless you want a visit from Fire Marshall Bill. 10 points for the first person to get that reference.
It’s beginning to look a lot like an MCM Christmas!
Atomic tip of the day: Found this starburst ornament at Target for 2 bucks. Yeah, baby.
Martha shares her genius with the world – in the form of nicely coordinated and very retro-looking bulbs.
Bam. Now we just need a tree skirt so that no one can tell that it’s an artificial tree. Shhhh……
My Christmas gold medalist. You’d never know he was kickin’ the croup.

Now that we’re all duded up for Christmas, I can turn my neurosis to the Christmas dinner I’ll be hosting this year. More on that later. I’m sure I’ll find a way to neeeeed something MCM for the celebrations. Don’t tell the husband.